HOW TO PLAY?Up to four players can play this game. The object is to score more points than one's opponent. A playercollects points by placing words on the game board. Each letter has a different point value, so the strategybecomes to play words with high scoring letter combinations.
At the game start each player receives 7 random letter tiles. Game starts from the first player. The first player must begin the game by placing the word onthe square at the center of the board.
SCORINGGame is played with exactly 100 tiles. 98 of these tiles contain letter on them, while there are 2 joker tiles with * on it.The jokers substitute for any letter in the alphabet. Various letter have different point values, depending on the rarity of the letter and the difficultyin playing it. Joker tile has no point value.
Joker tile: 0 ptsA, E, I, L, N, O, R, S, T, U: 1 ptsD, G: 2 ptsB, C, M, P: 3 ptsF, H, V, W, Y: 4 ptsK: 5 ptsJ, X: 8ptsQ, Z: 10 pts
Extras point values:DL (Double Letter): x2 letter scoresTL (Triple Letter): x3 letter scoresDW (Double Word): x2 word scoresTW (Triple Word): x3 word scores
The extras point squares are only usable once.
Enjoy playing WORDS FINDER with your friends!